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Our #1 Problem & Our #1 Solution


Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Every problem in humanity (suicides, abortion, gender identity, addictions, abuse, mental health, etc.) stems from the breakdown of the marriage. Men, women, and children, are messed up because God’s #1 creation is messed up, divided, and badly distorted.   

The absence of or lack of a loving, united, and devoted marriage, is the single biggest cause of our dysfunctional, divided, and distorted humanity.

We were created To Love.

Husband and wife are God’s love made manifest.

Husband and wife are God’s only creation made in His image.

They are God’s #1 creation. He didn’t make a mistake, or revision 1a, or human 2.0.

(Genesis 1:26-27) “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

God breathed His Spirit into man at creation. His breath is His Spirit and His Son, which is love, all in One (Genesis 2: 7). Love was in man. Love brings life. Then God made woman from the man. Love made love, and from that love He made love. Love was in them. They were alive in love.

Remember, if I have not love I am nothing (1st Corinthians 13:2). The devil cannot destroy God, but he tries to destroy who God made and the love they have in their hearts. Husband and wife are God’s love made manifest.

If we don’t understand the loving union of marriage, we don’t understand God’s love.

Then they chucked love out of their hearts and became void of love (sin, self-1st, self-seeking, selfish), thus they died. The Spirit of Love went out. They were absent of love, thus became nothing (dead in their sin and self-seeking, self-first, self-gratification, selfish ways). Satan is the absence of love (0% love), which is sin. Sin (self-first and self-seeking) causes their heart not to love.

The heart of the problem, is the problem of the heart.

Love needed to be put back into our hearts.

In John 17:26 Jesus says, "And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us by putting God's love (holy Spirit of Love) back in our hearts (when we believe in Jesus and receive His holy Spirit), so that we can love one another.

Jesus came to change our hearts back To Love.

This is why we were created and it is God's calling (commandment) on our life.

We can't give what we haven't received.

The man (husband) is the leader and the initiator of love to the woman. He loves his bride as Christ to church. Christ is the leader of love to us, just as the husband is the leader of love to his bride. Not be because he puts himself first, but because he puts his bride ahead of himself. He can’t love his bride if he puts himself first. This is why he is to love God first with all his heart, mind, and will. God could have breathed into the woman, but He didn’t. He made woman from man and for man (1st Corinthians 11: 9-10, “For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man.  Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.”) … so that he could love her, as Christ loves us.

A note to men: With God first in your heart, head, and habits, you will be able to fully love your wife and give her the love that God gives you (by design). The greatest way a man honors God is by loving the bride God gave him. And the greatest way he loves his wife is loving God first with all his heart, mind, and will. Your wife is looking for the love of Jesus in you so she can reflect that love back to you (and for you both to give your united love to your children). Christ to church is husband to wife. A man gives his life for his wife, as Christ gives his for his bride. God’s #1 creation is His love made manifest.

This is who you are. God has made you His and you are new. He has given you life in Christ. God’s love is in you to give to your bride. The joy is in the giving. Your wife is the glory of your love to her (she is the shining reflection of your love).

If we don’t focus and put the priority on God’s #1 creation (husband and wife), which is the core of humanity, how are we going to shine the light of love into our families and our world.

By putting love back into the hearts of husband and wife we put love back into the marriages.

When we put love back into the marriage we will put love back into our world.

If we don't shine the light of love on the inside (the core of humanity) how are we going to shine the love to the outside.

1.     Love suffereth long

2.    Love is kind

3.    Love envieth not

4.    Love vaunteth not it self

5.    Love is not puffed up

6.    Love does not behave itself unseemly

7.    Love seeketh not her own

8.    Love is not easily provoked

9.    Love thinketh no evil

10.  Love rejoiceth not in inequity, but rejoiceth in the truth

11.  Love beareth all things

12.  Love believeth all things

13.  Love hopeth all things

14.  Love endureth all things

Love never faileth

(1st Corinthians 13:4-8 KJ) Love = Charity

Our #1 Solution to the #1 Problem, is To Love.

          Woman was made from man and for man, not from his feet or his head, to be beneath or above, but from his side, to walk along side, under his arm to be protected and near his heart to be loved. Where he is weak she is strong, where she is weak he is strong. Husband and Wife are completers not competers. They are the greatest team between two human beings. When God is at the top and the center of their lives they will know how to love one another, their family, their community, and their world. I say to men, remember … God gave you woman, a beautiful gift made in His image, to cherish and to honor with all your heart, might, and will. By putting God’s heart and will first, with all your heart, you will be better able to love your wife, your family, your community and the people in our world.




Listen because you want others to know that they are important and appreciated. Listen, so they know you are interested in them and want to understand and share with them.

Offer to help and do things for others, with follow through, so they know you sincerely care for them. 

Value others so they know they are important. See them for how special they truly are, so they know you care about their life, family, interests, and hopes.  And you value the relationship you have with them. 

Encourage and uplift others by sharing your appreciation for them, complimenting them on    their qualities, ways, and work. Let them know  the good things about who they are and what they  do.

Keeping my word and finishing what I started is key to  love.

A promise made is a promise kept = Love.

God wants us (husband and wife, children, and our friends and neighbors) to experience the love He has for us. To give love to each other. The most Intimate relationship between two human beings is that of husband and wife. It is the manifestation of His love. The gift is in the giving of love.

“It’s not what I can get from someone or get out of life. It’s about what I can give, into someone’s life.”  BWT

Our #1 Solution to the #1 Problem, is  To Love.

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Love is the heart and foundation of marriage, where husband and wife unite for life, building a relationship of joy, trust, intimacy, and endless companionship.

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