The Power of Believing.
Love, Choice, and Believe, are our 3 Greatest Giftings we've been given.
Without Believing we don’t know Love. Without Believing there is no Hope.
Jesus said, who ever Believes in me has eternal life. Believing takes away fear. Love always Believes the good and does the good. Love has no fear.

Believing and Doing go together. I will only Do what I Believe. I won’t Do what I don’t Believe.
If I Believe the lie, I will Do the lie. If I Believe the Truth, I will do the Truth.
No other creature can Love, Chose, or Believe to the depth and power that we as men and women can. Believing causes Doing. These two are inseparable. To prove this let’s look at two scenarios. First let’s ask the question to ourselves; Will I do what I don’t believe in? For example, will you get on a plane and trust the pilot, crew, the plane to take off, fly, and land at your destination? If you didn’t believe in the ability of the plane, pilot, and the others that built it, maintain it, and operate the plane, you wouldn’t do it. Conversely if you believe the car you are driving will get you safely from point A to B you will get in the car and go.
Now let’s look at when God created man and woman. First choice is, believing that God created us and we didn’t just appear or come from nothing. Yes, this can be hard for some to believe, but which is more unbelievable; that we came from nothing or that we came from something or someone. Just as a baby can only come from a “who”, it makes sense to believe that we too come from a who (versus nothing). Can love come from nothing? Can life come from nothing? Or does love come from love and life from life. By believing we come from a Who and that God is love, and He made us in His image (love), then we can believe that is why we’re here and what we are about.
If you don’t believe in God and you don’t believe in His word, then you won’t be able to believe in His love for you, your identity in Jesus Christ, and your purpose for your life. You will not have the fullness of joy, peace, gratitude, and fulfillment He created you for and saved you for. He paid the price with His Son Jesus Christ, to reconcile and be united with you for everlasting life.
Conversely if you don’t believe that God created us, and that we came from nothing, you are still choosing to Believe something (as obscure or undefined as that may be). Here is another example, can you prove your husband or wife loves you, or do you believe that they love you? Does your child question your love for them? Does your child believe you love them? Why do you accept someone’s request to meet you at a certain time and place? Or why do you accept a job with a certain employer? Or why does an employer hire a certain person for the job? It's because we believe (trust) that they will do what they say, or we believe they have the ability or experience to do the work. Or we trust them to meet with us. The truth is, we Believe. We are Believing beings. God created us to love and he gave us choice and believing. These are inseparable.
I don’t know about you, but I am in awe of God and how He created us to be. His design, his creativity, and his abilities blow my mind!!! And He made us in His image. Let us make man in our image (male and female, husband and wife). God is love. We are of God, of God’s love. He lives in us and loves through us. We believe, we chose, we create, we build, and moreover we love.
Doubting God and buying the lie from the devil comes from the fall in the garden. The devil lured and lied to them. Casting doubt and saying they weren't good enough (lacking knowledge). This caused them to put self-first (sin). But God said that He was going to rescue them (Genesis 3:15 and 3:22) and give them back life, by Believing in Jesus (the tree of life, which is God's love). By giving us back choice To Believe and To Love.
As a Christian or a born-again believer in Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, and that my heart is for him and of him forever, then my Believing or Trusting God in all things (all challenges, opportunities, trials, and even losses) I have peace, joy, gratitude, and fulfillment. I can do whatever it takes to give the love He has given me and endure all things in love for Him and for others. Jesus removes the fear, doubt, lack, and selfish motives from our heart, mind, and will. We get to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, which means Believing who God says I am. I am Whose I am. Holy, blameless, perfect, sanctified, unreprovable, and complete in Christ. I am in him and he is in me. I am of Jesus. Christian.
Now Believing in Jesus doesn’t just mean Believing that Jesus existed or we know some things about him. No, Believing in Jesus means Believing who he really is, and what Jesus is all about. By Believing in Jesus we believe that He is God’s only begotten Son. We Believe that he and the Father are One. We believe that Jesus came (God in flesh) to be born of a virgin (earthly woman) and to grow as a man (fully man and fully God). With a mission to bring salvation for all those that Believe that he came to die for all our sins and to rise on the third day, so that we who believe would be risen with him to the newness of life (born-again, born of God, new creature or man or woman). We have been reconciled to God for ever with everlasting life.
To those that believe in Jesus and know God’s love in their heart, they receive the Holy Spirit, who gives us life. Now as a born-again believer we have Christ in us (the hope of glory). God dwells in us, in our heart, and give us life. It is no longer I that live but Christ in me that has his way and moves in my being. Dead to sin (self-first, self-gratification, motive of getting, actions of me first) and alive in love (self-giving, motive of giving, and actions and fruit of giving, joy, peace, gratitude, fulfillment, and loving relationships).
If we Believe in Jesus, we are of him. We are Christians. We are of Christ. Christ is God. God is love. So are we. We are Love-ians. As a born-again believer, we have a heart of love, a mind of love, and the will of love. God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind. I don’t just speak Jesus, I Do Jesus. Jesus is love, thus I Do Love. Believing in Jesus means loving others. What I do to the least of men I do to God. Loving God = Loving others. God created us and lives in us, so that we give the love to each other, that He gives to us.
Next, let’s look at the impact of Believing the lies we tell ourselves, such as I’m not good enough, or I’m not worthy or capable of doing something. Did you know that the word “can’t” didn’t used to be a word. It wasn’t in the dictionary. In fact the Bible says, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.” It also says Love endures all things, and that love never fails.
Let look at some other ways Believing impacts our life and the lives of others.
Believing in your children is very important. Why is that?
I was at a hockey game standing by this dad who had a son that was playing goalie (11 and 12 year old boys). He mentioned that he was his son’s biggest critic. I mentioned that I coached hockey for 13 years and realized that inspiration precedes perspiration. Motivation comes from believing and passion. Having a passion is key to anything in life. Yet being inspired comes from believing you have what it takes to make things happen and succeed or do well.
If I don’t Believe, I won’t Do. If I don’t Believe, I won’t take a step of faith and live out the hope and passion of my heart. I’ll just sit there in fear and continue to create more dysfunction and depression.
The enemy wants you to disbelieve (doubt, worry, and lack). He wants you to be all about yourself (pity-me, worry, greedy-me). Yet, as my passion is for God and the love of others, then it is not for myself, thus there is no fear. Love has no fear. I do it because I love Him, and I love others. Love has no fear.
I Believe in you! Means I love you! God believes in me…because He is my creator, my provider, and He indwells in me. He places the desire in my heart. He lives in me and wants to do His good work in me and through me.
BELIEVE in God's love for you. He created you. He knows every thought, feeling, belief, behavior, heart posture, and results in your life. Before they even happen. Remember God never leaves you or forsakes you. Christ in you the hope of glory.
Philippians 1:16 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:"
Jesus is performing the good works in you (loving and good ways) to live out towards others.
You can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth you. Philippians 4:13.
All things with a heart, mind, and will of love.
BELIEVE - Trust God with your heart, your life, your relationships, and the mission or calling He has put in your heart. All things are possible with God. He loves you.
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Love is the heart and foundation of marriage, where husband and wife unite for life, building a relationship of joy, trust, intimacy, and endless companionship.
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