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I'd like to share a little about me and what makes me unique compared to other coaches, pastors, counselors, teachers, speakers, authors, or mentors.


I work deeply and profoundly with you on your identity in Christ and the motive of your heart, so you truly have a change in nature and character, thus your beliefs, attitude and behavior will be pure and lasting for your life and your marriage.


This teaching really helps men and women to truly know the 3 most important things for our life, to have joy, peace, gratitude, and fulfillment for everlasting.

​​I have written 2 books

and developed 2 videos

(1 video for each book).

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I am Whose I am book
Hiz and Herz Book

My Story

From broken to awoken, I lost it all! My marriage, my 100-million-dollar company, my daughter didn’t speak to me for six months, and most importantly, I lost my belief in who I was. Maybe I didn’t know who I was. Unfortunately, many of us are not awoken until we’re broken. I’d like to share with you what I wished I’d have known many years ago. I hope this insight and inspiration helps you answer the most amazing calling on your life, one you can embrace and truly enjoy.


As a young boy I was teased and bullied for being overweight. I was sensitive and felt rejected for much of my life. Married at 19 years old, I felt rejected from my wedding night and not good about who I was. My poor self-esteem and addictions became more of a problem, as I worked in the oil patch and our three children grew. I coached hockey for 13 years and our kids competed in swim club and hockey for about 15 years. We did lots as a family and I really enjoyed being involved with my kids.


But I was hurting in my marriage much of the time. I didn’t feel loved and good about who I was. It wasn't until after the loss of my company and my 26-year marriage that I broke down and didn't want to be here anymore. It wasn't until I picked up the little burgundy bible my great grandmother asked my parents to give me and read the book of John out loud for two and half to three hours, that I was floating in golden light for two days with absolute peace. From complete wreckage to absolute peace. Reading every word Jesus said, I remember him saying to me, if you have seen me you have seen the Father, I am in He and He is in me, and you are in me.


I closed the bible from front to back and said, this is the book of love, God is love. I didn't talk for two days, yet whenever I saw any one I said, just let them know you, just love them, let them know you. Because I knew Him and I knew His love for me. I just wanted others to know Him and to know His love.


For over 15 years I have been helping men, women, and couples know His love and loving each other, in their marriage, families, and circle of life. I have been working with men's and women's addiction recovery to help them know their identity in Christ and what God's love is really about for their lives and relationships.


I provide teaching, speaking, and coaching for marriages and individuals. I also work with men's and women's addiction recovery to help them in their relationships and their identity in Christ. I have shared my book and teachings of God's word with over 12,000 men, women, and couples. My book I am Whose I am is an advanced teaching on the three most important things every man and woman need to know for their life. It will help them to have joy, peace, gratitude and fulfillment in their lives now and everlasting.


Thank you for taking time to read my story and my hope and prayers are for you and your family as we journey in Jesus Christ together.

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