Inspiration or motivation is very important towards living a life of purpose.
Its purpose that gives us motivation. One’s purpose is an overarching reason for one’s life. Without a purpose, we seem to just be putting in time aimlessly.
There’s a book called, If you want to walk on water, you got to get out of the boat. In that book, the author says, you don’t choose your calling you discover your calling. In God‘s word it says in Psalm 37:4 “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. This doesn’t mean that he waves his magic wand to grant you your wishes. This means he places the desire or calling in your heart. God created you for purpose. God also calls you in the direction with the Destiny he has placed in you, related to that purpose. Your destiny is not if front of you, it’s in you.
All of us have the same overarching purpose, and that is to love God, and to love one another. He created us to love. Ultimately motivation comes by giving love to one another, especially husband and wife, and then to their children, the primary purpose for mankind is for husband and wife to love each other as Christ to church, and then to their children.
Providing, protecting, caring for, nurturing, the labor of love, developing one another, raising children, investing into someone’s life, sharing our life as husband and wife, the joy of seeing children grow and learn and develop their heart and mind and behaviors in a good loving and productive way, is so rewarding. If we don’t have somebody to look after and to share our life with, and to grow with.
The joy is in the giving. When we are giving, we are living. We come alive when we to give to someone else. We are all here on earth to help one another, what on earth others are here for I don’t know.
For me, having a mission to give back to others, what I have learned, to encourage them to have hope, purpose, and feel loved and good about who they are, is very motivating. It keeps me going. Perseverance needs motivation, of and in the heart!
I have a dream. My dream and goal is to help 100 million marriages and 400 million souls.
Two profound books and two videos I've written and made, that are not taught in the church or the counsellors office, will transform marriages and lives. I know this to be true because I’ve shared these with over 12,000 men and women and they’ve made a significant difference in their hearts, their marriages, and their lives.
Now it’s time to get the message out to the world. I believe we can put love back into our world when we put Love back into marriages. Every problem in humanity: addictions, suicides, mental health, identity, abortion, loneliness, and depression, all come from the breakdown of husband and wife. We’ve been putting Band-Aids on the perimeter of problems, but no one is focused on fixing the core problem, which will bring all the other problems to restoration of God‘s goodness and design.
Then we will take the proceeds from the sale of these books and videos of $2 billion dollars and put them towards seven major projects for the homeless, jobless, and addictions recovery. Each project will be approximately $300 million dollars.
Each project will have a marriage retreat with little cabins and a lodge close to a major center. Plus, each project will have a manufacturing facility that holds approximately 1000 employees. We will employ the homeless, the jobless, the addictions, and the oppressed. We will give them purpose, hope, and love, so they know they’re valued and important. We will make beautiful homes. We will buy land and develop it to put these homes on. We will provide these homes at affordable prices. For example, a bungalow on a half-acre lot would cost $150,000. We would provide financing for mortgages at 1 to 2%, with no banks and no government funding.
Fathers could go to work, and mothers could stay home with their little ones, and they could afford to raise their family on a single income, if they so choose. We will develop wonderful communities, instilling good values with lots of love and caring responsibility.
The children and the parents will have an environment that God designed and created us to live in. We will shine His amazing love to one another, especially husbands and wives and their children. We will put love back in our world by putting love back into our marriages and our children.
We all need Hope, we all need faith, and we all need love. The greatest of these is love. If I have not loved, I am nothing. And the key to Love it is not about getting, it is about giving. When we’re giving, we are living.
Inspiration or motivation comes from having a purpose that is beyond ourselves. Love does not want for itself. Love does not seek her own. Love gives to others. Love endures all things (1 Corinthians 13)
The greatest reward we have is living our purposed life of loving one another, which comes by giving of oneself.
If we don’t have the right motive, we will not have the right motivation. The wrong motive, which is self-first or self-gratification, or a motive of getting, will bring the wrong motivation. Thus, we cannot sustain the energy to keep going. Plus the wrong motive divides and destroys our marriages, children, and our world. There are two choices: love or selfishness, giving or getting, what you can do for me or what I can do for you.
God never created us to be getters. God is love. God is a giver, and he created us in his image. God created us to be givers. This is when we come alive in our hearts. This is when we have meaningful purpose.
What is your hope? Who is your hope in? What motivates you? Are you focused on getting? Or are you focused on giving?
If you want to have the motivation and the energy to keep going ... and If you want to have joy, peace, gratitude, and fulfillment, then you need to know these three most important things:
1. God loves you, 2. That you are His, 3. Your Purpose (To Love)
Without Hope, there is no action. Yet without action, we won’t realize the results of our hope. Without inspiration we won’t have the perspiration to do the work, thus reap the rewards.

We need to keep her eyes on the prize. We need to have big goals and Little goals to keep us going and focused, so that we can live out our purpose. We need to have a plan that matches and fulfils our goals and our purpose.
When can only have hope, if we believe.
Love, Choice, Believe … our three greatest gifts.
Ultimately our hope, and our purpose is for God. Jesus asked Peter, do you love me Pieter said yes. Jesus said, feed my lambs. When we know God’s love and loves him with all our heart, mind, and will, then we have the hope, purpose, and motivation to really give to others, and live life fully.
Jesus came to give us life. When we were giving, we’re living.

Loving others = Loving God & Loving God = Loving others
And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it, that the love wherewith thou hast love me may be in them and I in them. John 17:26
How will I know God’s love? By giving the love God gives me, to others.
So if you want the inspiration and motivation to keep persevering and have fulfilment in your life, I encourage you to know God‘s love in Jesus, deep in your heart, and to give that love to your loved ones and trust God. Put your hope and purpose in giving your life to Him, so others will know His love.
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Love is the heart and foundation of marriage, where husband and wife unite for life, building a relationship of joy, trust, intimacy, and endless companionship.
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