Above Video provides more details and depth to the Dream and Goal of 100 million marriages & 400 million souls (and more details regarding proceeds to the homeless, jobless, addictions, and the oppressed)
Short Video or the Dream and Goal for the 100 million marriages and 400 million souls. And proceeds going to the homeless, jobless, addictions, and oppressed.
Let's put love back into marriages so we can put love back into our world.
Let's take God's #1 creation out of last place and put it back in first place.
Please watch this Video (above).
Husband and Wife are God's love made manifest.
These profound Books and Videos have helped thousands of men, women, and couples in their marriage and personal life (these are not commonly known or taught in the church or the counsellors office).
When you purchase these 2 books and 2 videos, the proceeds will go to giving meaningful work to those who are homeless, jobless, in addiction recovery, and the oppressed.
God get's all the glory!!!
Please watch this Video (above).
Please purchase 2 Videos and 2 Books ($59.99)
I am Whose I am, Hiz & Herz Greatest Need, and 7 Opposite ways Man & Woman attract, complement, and complete (the Biggest misunderstanding about Sex & Unity)
These will truly help awaken your hearts and transform you marriage and knowing God's love for you.
Proceeds go to the Homeless, Jobless, Addictions, and Oppressed.
Goal: Sell 100 million copies (2 books & 2 videos & Booklet: $59.99).
Proceeds of Goal (appx) 1.5 to 2 Billion Dollars raised that will go to 7 projects.
Each project will be 200 plus million dollars.
Each project will have a: Retreat, Manufacturing Plant, Land Development, and Financing for Homes. (No Banks and No Government Financing)
100 million marriages and 400 million souls.
Proceeds to homeless, addiction recovery, and the oppressed.
Creating jobs, homes, and purpose, where they are valued and loved.
Building affordable and beautiful homes for the homeless and for the general population.
Building communities of family homes that cost less than half of current average priced homes.
Provide financing at 1% to 2%. Without needing government or banking financial support.
At this point the vision is to have 7 projects (4 in the USA, 2 in Canada, and 1 in another country). Possibly more... God willing.
MY WHY: From broken to awoken, I lost it all! My 26 year marriage, my 100 million dollar company, my daughter didn't speaking to me for six months, then a second one year marriage and losing even more. Then a few years later having to declare bankruptcy. Not only was I financially bankrupt but emotionally, trying to numb the pain with years of addictions and not wanting to live anymore.
I realized I can have everything but God, and have nothing.
Then I realized I can have nothing but God, and have everything.
Since losing everything two or three times and going bankrupt, I've helped, coached, and mentored over 12,000 men, women and couples for over 12 years. For over five years, I've been working with men and women in addictions recovery in their relationships and to truly know God's love in Christ.
Now it's time to expand this profound insight and inspiration (Books & Videos) to a larger national and international community. Then take the proceeds of helping marriages and families and put it towards the homeless, jobless, addictions, and the oppressed. So we can make very affordable homes and communities that truly put love back in to our families and our world.
God has placed in my heart to bring His love to many through my revelation and preparation, that He has brought me to and through. Not only do I have the passion but I have the experience, business acumen, and most of all the strength and power of God's love and leading of my life. God put it on my heart many years ago to reach out and teach them To Love. From my heart to yours, please join me in putting love back into the hearts of men and women, plus our marriages, and children of our world.
The above picture is a sample of the Marriage Retreat. Approximately 50 plus Cabins and Main Lodge (meeting rooms and auditorium). Providing Weekend Marriage Coaching and Week-day ongoing coaching programs.
This is a sample of a 100 thousand sqft plant that I designed, built, and operated in 2006.
The NEW facility for building homes and similar living structures, will be 210 thousand sqft, 70 ft high. and hold employ at least 1000 employees in all kinds of trades and professions.
Caring and encouraging work environment to help build up purpose, value, and skills that provide for personal and family needs.
The above group of pictures shows some of the types of structures and homes that can be built in the manufacturing plant that will employ the homeless, jobless, addictions recovery, and the oppressed. Also show new housing development on nice size lots that would range from $ 100 thousand dollars to $200 thousand dollars and with low interest mortgage rates (appx 1%to 2 %). Mothers will be able to stay at home with young children and Fathers will be able to provide for their family (two incomes outside the home would not be required to raise a family). It's time to start loving one another. It starts in the heart, the marriage, the children, and then to our world. God loves us all and made us in His image. God is love. Husband and Wife are God's love made manifest. His #1 creation!
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Love is the heart and foundation of marriage, where husband and wife unite for life, building a relationship of joy, trust, intimacy, and endless companionship.
Join us for profound insight and inspiration, not commonly taught or known, to strengthen and transform your heart, mind, and marriage. Learn how to have more joy, peace, and gratitude by deeply knowing the 3 most important things for your life.
Visit our websites to order our Videos and Books, to book a call for counselling and coaching, and to subscribe for more information and teachings.
Or contact me directly 👇👇👇
📱 Phone: +1 (403) 816-5049 (Canada)
📧 Email: brent@hizandherz.ca
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