God's grace = He's made you perfect, holy, blameless, unreprovable, seated in heavenly realms, sanctified, in the kingdom of his dear Son. Colossians 1:13, 22,26,27,28. Ephesians 2:6.
God has made you dead to sin and alive in love (Jesus) Romans 6:1-11
Jesus came to change your heart, mind, and behaviors. He has wholly sanctified you (spirit, soul, and body) 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
Jesus foretold us in John 17:26 that he came so that the love the Father has for him would be in us and he in us. Jesus is in you, when you believe and received the holy Spirit of promise (Ephesians 1:13).
You have been given a Spirit of power, love, and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
God's grace did what you couldn't do. You are not under the law. You are not made perfect by your works.
God's grace has made you new and the old nature is gone (2 Corinthians 5:17).
If you continue to believe you’re a sinner, you are declaring you have a selfish or self-seeking heart. Plus, you are believing that God’s grace isn’t sufficient or applies to who you are and the way you live. Why would you say or believe that about yourself? Do you want to be a kind, patient, honest, forgiving, trusting, honoring, peaceful, grateful, and a persevering person? Then realize that is who you are. God’s grace changed who you are. You or I can’t do it, only Christ, only God’s love in our hearts can do it.
If you want to be selfish or continue believing you are, then keep going with that and you’ll realize the consequences from believing and being that way. It’s your choice. Most of all, if you really know God’s love for you and really love God, you will love others, especially your spouse.
If you don’t know that Jesus has changed your heart into his nature, and that he is in you, then you won’t live it out. Some believers read Galatians 5:17 incorrectly and in isolation (the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh). Some believe their vessel (body/skin) is in a battle with God’s Spirit that lives in them. They don’t understand, thus buy the lie of confusion. The flesh Paul is describing is the sinful nature or motive (heart) of getting or self- gratification (not the skin or the body). Galatians 5:18 says if you are of the Spirit, you are no longer under the law. You are no longer of the flesh (sin, or sin nature). God’s Spirit lives in you.
As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The truth is sin can’t live in love. Satan can’t live in God. Don’t buy the lie that you have these two or three parts battling and living in you simultaneously. That is a lie from the devil, to confuse you, and to keep you in lack so you won’t change. There’s no victory or freedom, and it denies the grace God gives, which has changed you into his image.
He took the “Get” out and put His “Give” in.
God hath given us His Spirit of power, love, and sound mind = Sealed with the Holy Spirit = Christ in me = Love in me = God dwells in me. So that I can and do give love to others. (John 14:20, John 17:26, Eph 1:13, 2 Timothy 1:7, Col 1:26-28, Romans 6:1-11, Romans 8:1, 2nd Cor 5:17, 1st John 4:16-17, Col 3:13, Hebrews 10:10.)
Many read Romans 7 as present tense. Yet, if you read carefully and in context with Romans 6 and 8, you’ll see it’s a flash back in time when Paul was under the law, yearning to be rescued. In Verses 7-13 Paul is saying “I was” (past tense). Then in verses 14 - 24 he switches to a present tense internal dialogue of “I do” and “I am”, which is describing how he couldn’t live up to the law when he was under the law. It’s not describing a dialogue he has with himself under his current identity in Christ, for he is transformed and sanctified. Therefore, you can stop falsely identifying with Paul’s struggle of sin when he was under the law.
Don’t buy the lie that you ‘re still a sinner. God’s love (grace) has changed you. It’s not what you do, it’s what He did for you and in you. Now you can put your new nature into practice and stop believing you’re a selfish sinner, or that you lack. You lack nothing and our Father provides all your needs. You are free, to love.
Think of it this way, God has made you new. You are no longer at the base of the tallest mountain, or part way up it, waiting or trying to get there. He has helicoptered you beyond the pinnacle to paradise (perfect love, pure joy and peace, and all the wonderment beyond your greatest imagination). Your old nature is gone. You are no longer of this imperfect world. You don’t have two natures. He has removed this world of imperfection from you. He has taken you to paradise (beyond the top of mount Everest, a.k.a. heavenly realms).
You didn’t do it, nor can you do it. Only His amazing love did it for you (Jesus Christ, His grace). Matthew 12:33-35 says a good tree produces good fruit and a corrupt tree produces corrupt fruit. A heart of love produces good fruit (see: 1 John 2:3-5, 3:6-9, 5:18).
You are born of God, you are perfect, and have everlasting joy, peace, and love with God. God’s Spirit forever lives in your heart, mind, and will. You are His.

I'm no longer in sin, getting, self-first, darkness, death.
I'm in Christ, perfect love, light, giving, good, life now and forever.
Saved = Changed
I was dead in my sin (self-first, self-gratification, motive of getting)
Now I am Alive in Love (Christ in me the hope of glory).
God dwells in me (1 John 4)
My new identity and nature are of Christ. Sin can't live in Love. The devil can't live in Jesus.
I can't have two hearts or two minds or two ways of being.
God's grace did what I couldn't do. God made me new. God made me His.
When I believed I received God's Spirit of Love in my heart, mind, body, soul, and will.
This is God's grace. Thank you Father in Jesus name. I love you!!!
I am Whose I am. I am Yours!!!
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